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Changsha Zoko Link Technology Co., Ltd.



Dirección:Oficina 102, Distrito D, Parque Industrial Houhu, Distrito Yuelu, Ciudad de Changsha, Provincia de Hunan, China

Sensores Ambientales

sensor de iluminación detección intensidad de iluminación Lux 0-5V/RS485/4-20mA

El transmisor del sensor de iluminancia utiliza como sensor un detector fotovoltaico azul de silicio de alta sensibilidad. Los usuarios pueden configurar diferentes rangos de medición según los diferentes lugares de medición. Tiene las características de amplio rango de medición, buena linealidad, buena impermeabilidad, instalación conveniente, y adecuado para la transmisión a larga distancia. Puede ser ampliamente utilizado en invernaderos agrícolas, iluminación urb···



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Detalles del producto

The illuminance sensor is a sensor that converts the illuminance into an electrical signal, and the output value is measured in Lux. Light is an indispensable condition for photosynthesis;Under certain conditions, when the light intensity increases, the intensity of photosynthesis will also increase, but when the light intensity exceeds the limit, the stomata on the leaves of the plant will be closed, and the intensity of photosynthesis will decrease.Therefore, the use of illuminance sensors to control illuminance has become an important factor affecting crop yield.

Light intensity illumination sensor.jpg

Illumination sensor product introduction:

The illuminance sensor transmitter uses a high-sensitivity silicon blue photovoltaic detector as a sensor. Users can configure different measuring ranges according to different measuring places. It has the characteristics of wide measuring range, good linearity, good waterproofness, convenient installation, and suitable for long-distance transmission. It can be widely used in agricultural greenhouses, urban lighting and other places.

Illumination sensor technical parameters:

Measuring range: 0-200000Lux
Wavelength range: 380 nm-730 nm
Accuracy: ±7%
Power supply:

DC 12V-24V

output4~20mA/ 0~5V/ RS485
Instrument cable length: 2.5 meters
Working temperature: -10℃~70℃
Relative humidity: 0~80%RH
Product weight: 170 g

Illuminance sensors.jpg

Instructions for use: 

Wire the sensor according to the instructions in the wiring method, then place it at the position where the light intensity is to be measured, turn on the power supply and the switch of the collector, and then the light intensity of the measurement point can be obtained.

Illuminance sensors.jpg

Light intensity illumination sensor detection lighting intensity Lux Analog output 0-5V/RS485/4-20mA  for Greenhouse agriculture IOT Application

Illumination sensor data sheet


Catálogo de sensores

Catálogo de sensores agrícolas y estaciones meteorológicas-NiuBoL.pdf

Catálogo de estaciones meteorológicas-NiuBoL.pdf

Catálogo de sensores agrícolas-NiuBoL.pdf

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en línea
Xsensor de iluminación detección intensidad de iluminación Lux 0-5V/RS485/4-20mA-Sensores Ambientales-Estaciones meteorológicas automáticas_Piranómetro_Sensor agrícola_Sensor de suelo_Sensor de temperatura y humedad_Sensor de pH_Sensor de NPK_Monitoreo ambiental - NiuBoL

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