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Changsha Zoko Link Technology Co., Ltd.



Dirección:Oficina 102, Distrito D, Parque Industrial Houhu, Distrito Yuelu, Ciudad de Changsha, Provincia de Hunan, China

Todos los productos

Anemómetro de copa utilizado en observación meteorológica, vigilancia del medio ambiente

El anemómetro de cazoleta es un instrumento tradicional para medir la velocidad del viento mediante una sección sensora formada por tres o cuatro cazoletas cónicas o semiesféricas vacías. Estas copas se colocan sobre un eje horizontal y giran cuando sopla el viento. Los anemómetros de cazoleta se utilizan ampliamente en la observación meteorológica, la vigilancia del medio ambiente, la generación de energía eólica, la aviación y otros campos.



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Detalles del producto

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A cup anemometer is a traditional instrument for measuring wind speed by means of a sensing section consisting of three or four conical or hemispherical empty cups. These cups are set on a horizontal axis and rotate when the wind blows. By calculating the rotational speed of the cups, the wind speed can be obtained.

Cup anemometers are widely used in meteorological observation, environmental monitoring, wind power generation and other fields.

In meteorological observation, cup anemometers are often used to measure wind speed and direction, providing data support for weather forecasting and climate research.

In the field of environmental monitoring, cup anemometers can be used to measure the wind speed in the atmospheric environment, helping to monitor air flow and pollution diffusion.

In addition, in the wind power industry, cup anemometers are also used to assess wind resources and provide important data for the siting and operation of wind power stations.

In addition to meteorological observations, environmental monitoring and wind power generation, cup anemometers are also widely used in aerospace applications.

In aviation, cup anemometers are used for flight weather observation and flight condition assessment to help pilots understand the wind speed and direction to ensure the safe conduct of flights.

In the aerospace field, cup anemometers are also used for ground meteorological monitoring and the assessment of meteorological conditions before the launch of vehicles, which is of great significance to ensure the smooth progress of space missions. Therefore, cup anemometers also have important application value in the aerospace field.

Therefore, cup anemometers have a wide range of applications and important roles in many fields.

Catálogo de sensores

Catálogo de sensores agrícolas y estaciones meteorológicas-NiuBoL.pdf

Catálogo de estaciones meteorológicas-NiuBoL.pdf

Catálogo de sensores agrícolas-NiuBoL.pdf

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en línea
XAnemómetro de copa utilizado en observación meteorológica, vigilancia del medio ambiente-Todos los productos-Estaciones meteorológicas automáticas_Piranómetro_Sensor agrícola_Sensor de suelo_Sensor de temperatura y humedad_Sensor de pH_Sensor de NPK_Monitoreo ambiental - NiuBoL

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